Event Details
5th Saturday Fat Quarter Bundle Challenge |
When: |
Feb 29, 2020 5:00 am |
Where: |
Creekside Quilting 9926 Swanson Blvd. |
Contact: | (515) 276-1977 |
Details: | Starting Saturday, May 30th: 5th Weekend Fat Quarter Bundle Challenge! Stop in Creekside and purchase OUT CHOSEN 5 fat quarter challenge bundle. You may join at any time during the current challenge. Design your creation with our selected 5 fabric fat quarter bundle. You must use all 5 fabrics in your creation. You may add one other fabric and one embellishment but nothing else. You may create ANYTHING you wish using our 5 fat quarter bundle!!! All entries need to be turned back in to Creekside Quilting by the end of the business day on May 30, 2020. All entries will be displayed in the store and customers and staff will vote for their favorite throughout the next 30 days. Tell your family and friends to stop in and vote for your creation during that thirty day voting period. They can even browse and shop while they are voting. Winners to be announced on June 30, 2020. 1st place $50 store gift card 2nd place $25 store gift card 3rd place - $10 store gift card Then get prepared for the next 5th Weekend Challenge! |